Average roof life, damage at roof covering, active leaks (I walk the roof whenever possible)
I check for proper Roof Coverings, Venting, Flashing, Skylights, Chimney Integrity, Rain Caps
Downspouts including: secured guttering, proper drainage with absence of negative grade
Adequate Landscape Grading and Drainage, Areas susceptible to water intrusion
Exterior of Home including: Wall cladding type/condition, doors, windows, driveways, walkways, decks, patios
Structural Elements including: Foundations, Basements, Crawlspaces, Slabs, Roof Structure including Trusses, Rafters & Roof Sheathing
The Electrical System including: The Service Entrance, Service Capacity, Circuit Breakers, Wiring, service panel, sub panels, potential fire hazards, electrical fixtures (switches & receptacles) including GFCI protected receptacles
Heating and Cooling Systems including: Overall Operation, Filtering, and Age of System (when it can be determined), Fireplaces
Plumbing System including: Water Supply, Piping, Drain-Waste-Vent Systems, Water Heaters, Fixtures & Faucets
Appliances including: Proper operation, installation, safety & gas piping systems
I perform a visual observation and inspection, followed by a comprehensive computer generated report, accompanied with digital photos which allow issues to generally be easily understood.
My professional home inspections are not just a "look around" and check a few boxes on a sheet of paper inspection, that type of inspection can often be deceiving and inaccurately describe the seriousness of existing and/or possible future problems with the home you're interested in purchasing.
My best professional effort is given at every home inspection; to give you, my client, as much valuable information as possible of the home you may be purchasing, selling, or presently living in.